

新媒体中心 四川文理学院外国语学院 2021-06-24






弗雷德里克·巴克曼   2016 、 2017 瑞典年度作家。成名作《一个叫欧维的男人决定去死》在全球创下了惊人的销量记录,翻译超过 44 种语言,同名电影更荣膺奥斯卡最佳外语片提名。之后他推出的《外婆的道歉信》和《清单人生》也取得了巨大成功,三部曲全球销量总和突破 1300 万册。

欧维是一个59岁,脾气古怪、嫌东嫌西,带着坚不可摧的原则、每天恪守的常规以及随时发飙的脾性在社区晃来晃去的老头,被邻居背地里称为"地狱来的恶邻" 。他对这个世界没有了希望,只想去见自己已故的妻子,整天想着怎样去自杀。但他的想法和性格却因为一对话痨夫妇和他们的两个话痨女儿搬到隔壁而改变……

Ovey is a 59-year-old eccentric , dismissive of the east and west , with indestructible principles ,daily keep routines and temperamental outbursts swirl around the neighborhood , known in secret as “evil neighbors from hell.” His account of the world has no hope ,just want to see his dead wife ,all day thinking about how to commit suicide. But his thoughts and his character because when a talking TB couple and their two talking TB daughters moved next door that changed……


The world was unfair to Ovey. He had chosen to give up, but with the help and influence of his new neighbors, he began to "sing" and he became one.  


Because of his willingness to change, he did not give up. Ovey slept in a calm, contented sleep. Death finally[looked] at him. At the end of his life, he seemed to have slept a long sleep. He woke up on the train and saw a pair of red high heels. Then there was her bright smile .... and he wanted to meet Sawyer~


1. 总会有那么一刻,让人决定要成为怎样的人。

There comes a time when people decide what they want to be.

2. 有件事是肯定的 此生无论我们做了什么 我们都逃不开人生。

One thing is for sure, this life, no matter what we do, we can't escape it.

3. 要么死亡,要么好好活着。

Either die or live.

4. 爱上一个人就像搬进一座房子,一开始你会爱上新的一切,陶醉于拥有它的每一个清晨——但经年累月的房子外墙开始陈旧,你会因为它本该完美的不完美而渐渐不再那么爱它,然后你渐渐谙熟所有的破绽和瑕疵,而这些都是会赋予你归属感的小秘密。

Loving someone is like moving into a house. At first you will fall in love with everything new and revel in having it every morning -- but after months and years the outer walls of the house are getting old, and you will gradually stop loving it because it is supposed to be perfect. Then you come to understand all the flaws and flaws, and these are the little secrets that give you a sense of belonging.

5. 每个人都想有尊严地生活,对不同的人来说,尊严是不同的。

Everyone wants to live with dignity, and dignity is different for different people.

6.  认错很难,特别是错了很久以后。

It's hard to admit, especially after a long time.



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图文:网络  刘琰




